Celebrating ShipMonkers Across the Globe

Thank You Thursday Shout Outs – July

ShipMonk is privileged to have a lot of hard working, incredible team members across our modern, global facilities. We love showing them appreciation at every opportunity, so we created “Thank You Thursdays” to celebrate employees on a weekly basis. Check out the shout outs from July across our 12 fulfillment centers. And if you’re interested in joining one of our amazing teams, visit our ShipMonk Careers page today!

July 25, 2024

Texas Fulfillment Center

TX Thank You Thursday goes to two amazing associates!! Thank you Kylie M and Martha CZ! Both are very well-rounded and passionate workers who always prove to get sh*t done!! We APPRECIATE you both!! Big THANK YOU from the entire team!

Florida Fulfillment Center

FL would like to recognize Carini M for this week’s TYT! We are thrilled to recognize that her dedication and hard work have not gone unnoticed. Carini consistently delivers high-quality work, always giving 100% effort with a smile every day. She creates a positive and motivating atmosphere for everyone around her. FL is grateful to have you on the team!

Pennsylvania Fulfillment Center

PA1 – Thank You Thursday goes to Marlon S! He is dependable, hard working, and has learned so much in a short time. Thank you for becoming a TM that we can call upon for any task and know it will get done correctly and fast. Thank you, Marlon!!

PA2 – We would like to recognize Emmanuel L for this week’s TYT. He is as dedicated as anyone in the ShipMonk network. He is the definition of hard work and he comes in with a smile on his face, willing to help out wherever he is needed. We are grateful to have him here!

Nevada Fulfillment Center

NV1 Nights – We’d like to give a huge shout out and thank you to Harrell T! Harrell has improved so much in these last couple months and continues to grow and shine daily. He is always willing to lend a hand in any department and never hesitates to ask if we need assistance in anything before leaving for the evening. We appreciate all your hard work, Harrell. Continue to shine!

Canada Fulfillment Center

Toronto acknowledges Horace M for his outstanding ownership in OB, WS, staging, and cleaning. We also commend his loyalty to the company as one of our longest-tenured team members. Horace also brings fun to the team with his jokes, which helps rejuvenate his colleagues. Thank you, MR. MOODY!

Kentucky Fulfillment Centers

Kentucky wants to thank Carlos Manuel DL!! Carlos has stepped up and has been happy to do so. He has handled cardboard and trash on his own, filled in for others, and completed janitorial work to ensure the break room and restrooms are always kept clean. Carlos has proven that he can get sh*t done and is an example for the KY team! His dedication is recognized by management with a loud and cheerful Thank You!

California Fulfillment Centers

This week’s Thank You Thursday goes out to Liliana R. Outstanding work ethic, outstanding performance and quality, and outstanding attitude. Thank you for all you do, Lili!

July 18, 2024

Nevada Fulfillment Centers

NV1 – We’re showing our appreciation for Erika Ch for this week’s Thank You Thursday. Erika is a star associate with a great attitude. Whether it be Outbound or Wholesale, she is sure to Get Sh*t Done! Thank you, Erika!!

Texas Fulfillment Center

TX wants to acknowledge TWO very special associates this week! Shout out to Shamilla T and Toria M!! These are two of our newer TAs who were absolutely amazing with training these past few weeks! Every day they come to work to get sh*t done and the TX team would like to say THANK YOU!!

Florida Fulfillment Center

FL would like to recognize Roger J and Lean B! Roger has a can-do attitude and is always willing to lend a hand. He previously excelled on our sorting team, always hitting his daily sorting rates. Now he is on the outbound team and has become a true All-Star there! Lean is Outbound’s Everything Man!! Lean runs his sorting team flawlessly. He has gained a great rapport with his team, constantly coaching them to make sure they always hit their goal expectations.

California Fulfillment Center

CA wants to celebrate Desaray O! She’s a quick learner, is detail oriented, and above all has commitment and passion for her role. We are glad you are a part of our TEAM!

Pennsylvania Fulfillment Centers

PA1 – Thank You Thursday goes to Solanye G. Solanye has not stopped learning and getting sh*t Done daily. She can always be counted on to go the extra mile. Huge thank you to Solanye!!

Kentucky Fulfillment Center

Kentucky wants to thank our entire receiving team! This team inbounded a huge transfer and processed many trailers over the period of one week while still maintaining SLAs with all our other clients. These ShipMonkers proved how they can get sh*t done and are amazing examples for the entire KY team! Their dedication is recognized by management with a loud and cheerful Thank You!

July 11, 2024

California Fulfillment Center

Please help us celebrate one of our BEST Receiving associates: JAKE P!!! He has been very consistent in his performance and is reliable all around. Jake represents TEAMWORK and COLLABORATION.

Kentucky Fulfillment Center

Kentucky wants to thank one of our Pick associates, Marcia G! She is one of our top pickers in sheer volume and shows her dedication to quality as well as productivity. Marcia gets sh*t done and is an example for the team! Her dedication is recognized by management with a loud and cheerful Thank You!

July 4, 2024

Pennsylvania Fulfillment Centers

PA1 – We want to send a special Thank You Thursday shout out to Kevin C. Since joining our team, Kevin has brought a winning attitude and sets the highest example for his peers! Kevin continues to perform at the highest levels without compromising quality, and we are very lucky to have him on our team!!!

Texas Fulfillment Centers

TYT goes to Myron M!! Myron is always looking for ways to be better than yesterday and never falls short. We appreciate and THANK YOU!

Nevada Fulfillment Center

NV1 – We are shouting out Laura A for this week’s Thank You Thursday. Laura is an All-Star in our packing department. Her dedication to any task presented doesn’t go unnoticed. She takes pride in all she does. Thank you, Laura, for all your hard work as you strive for excellence!!

Canada Fulfillment Center

This week’s Thank You Thursday for Toronto goes to G. She shows great ownership and dedication toward work, she always has a positive attitude, and is very punctual. She also has a good sense of urgency and that is clearly seen through her work. Thank You, Gurleen!!!

Kentucky Fulfillment Center

KY would like to say Thank You to Ivet P!  She is one of our pickers and she does a wonderful job.  Ivet picked 9,864 lines last week with zero defects!  Thank you for your focus and commitment to quality, Ivet!!!

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